sexta-feira, agosto 21, 2009

Ainda o mítico Carter

Gosto bastante de deambular pelo Google Earth e muitas dessas vezes acabo por voltar virtualmente à minha cidade de eleição: New York. Gosto sempre de ir espreitar o mítico Hotel Carter e acabo por ler mais algumas das opiniões sobre este hotel (? :P). Um dia também hei-de escrever uma. E quando voltar a N.Y., esse ponto é um local de visita obrigatória.

Hoje, gostei particularmente deste texto:

"Body found, stoned doorman...YAY welcome to NYC.
I went on labor day weekend with 2 of my girlfriends. My friend resesrved the hotel because of its location, and price. We walked into the hotel and were greeted by a doorman who looked like he was stoned. We were in line to check in, and there were reporters from Channel 2 there asking people questions. One of the guys asked us what we thought, but we had no idea what he was talking about. We checked in and we were staying on the 8th floor. We get into the elevator, that reminded me of a ride in Universal Studios. The elevator stopped on the 6th floor, and nobody went in, or came out. We thought nothing of it. It was weird cuz it opened and closed about three times. We got into our room, where the walpaper was peeling, random pillow cases were on the bed.. one that said Im his! The bathroom door was too big for the opening, and did not close. We faught to see who would take a shower first. None of us wanted to. We actually showered with sandals on, We also found jean shorts in the drawers. We turned on the t.v. ....which didn't have a listen to the news. It turns out that Friday morning, they found a dead body in plastic bags under the bed on the 6th floor. Needless to say, we checked under our beds, and one of my friends slept with a butter knife. We blocked our door with any furniture we could! Hotel Carter was definately an experience!!!"

É este o espírito! :)

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